Red Hat, Blue Hat, Old Hat, New Hat

Originally posted on June 7, 2012

Wow!  Time flies when you’re having fun…or cleaning house…or taking care of things that you’ve let slide during the final weeks of school.  It’s hard to believe that my first week of summer break ends tomorrow.  Based on my methodical calculations, that leaves eight more weeks of summer to rest, reflect, relax, read, and any other R word that sounds good….

However, I’m typing this from an office at my church as I fill in for our church secretary while she’s on vacation.  It has made me think about “hats” that we wear.  Not real hats…with my “fluffy/frizzy” hair…hats aren’t my thing, but the hats or responsibilities which we take on.

My blue hat…that would be the hat of a teacher.  Now, even though I’m on summer break, I’ve worn this hat a few times this week.  I’ve organized the “teacher stuff” I brought home to work on.  I tore apart question cards of a game I can use for review next year.  I’ve gathered up postcards and mailing labels to send notes to my “new crop” of kids.  I’ve rescheduled my plans next week to support my students who have to take the I-Read test again.  Yes, even though it’s summer break, my BLUE hat isn’t far from me.

Then….there’s my old hat…the hat associated with my family.  Looking at these past couple of weeks, I’ve worn my sister hat to sing at my oldest sister’s renewal of vows’ ceremony.  I donned my daughter hat when I’ve spent time with my parents.  I’ve enjoyed my aunt hat as I’ve shared time with Connor or cheered him on at a ballgame.  In fact, today, I’ll be heading out at 2:00 to pick him up from basketball conditioning and staying at their house tonight to allow him to sleep in (which means…I sleep later too, at least in theory).  My OLD hat stays with me, though its look differs from day to day.

I can’t forget my pink hat which goes with Lacie, my little sister.  As I look at my calendar, I see our BBBS anniversary approaching.  On June 23rd, we will have been Big & Little Sisters for 2 years.  I’m supposed to pick her up as soon as I post this writing.  Today, we have lunch plans and then another adventure in the putt-putt arena.  I’m sure I’ll lose again, but oh well….  Yes, my pink hat even prompted me to add a few pink petunias in my newly planted flower garden (Thanks, Mom, Dad, & Connor…the best landscaping crew in town.).  I’m sure she’ll smile when she sees the pink at the beginning and end of my row of flowers.  Yes, pink may be far from my favorite color, but I do enjoy my PINK hat.

Today, I’m wearing my khaki hat.  Why did I pick khaki you may wonder?  Good question.  Khaki goes with everything.  It’s the hat that allows me to “become” what I need to become to help others out.  Right now, I’m sitting in as the church secretary.  Is this something I do often?  Nope.  I probably sub two or three times a year, but I know it alleviates a need and allows me to serve.    Well, my khaki hat comes off soon, so I better finish this post quickly.

Finally, I have my red hat.  Red is the color of the blood of Jesus…so my red hat is my hat as a Christian.  This hat, I try to wear at all times, and I am easily convicted when I forget to wear it.  I often wonder if the love of Christ shines through my actions and words.  That is my daily goal…to wear the red hat so truly that when people see me, they see Him shining through.

Well, my purple hat and I are heading out of here to go grab my pink hat and in a bit my old hat.  Huh?  My purple hat…it’s just me.  My personality, my abilities, my joys, and my sorrows…my purple hat is who I am.  We’re off to pick up my “Little Sister” for lunch.  Then, my red hat will bring me back for a VBS chat with our children’s minister before heading out in my old hat to pick up my nephew.

New hat?  Hmmm…wonder what new adventures God has in store?  I guess my “newest” hat would be that of a blogger….I wonder how long it’ll fit?

Have a blessed day, and whatever hat you’re wearing…wear it with a smile and for His glory.

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